2018 State Convention Audios
Below you will find recordings from our 2018 state convention held in Los Angeles from October 25, through October 28.
These files will work with any MP3 playing software or hardware. For Microsoft Windows, Windows Media Player or Winamp will work. For Linux or other Unix-like operating systems, you can use mpg123, mpg321, mplayer, or a variety of other tools. Or, download these files and listen to them on your portable MP3 player. Enjoy, and thank you for listening.
Friday, October 26, 2018
Saturday morning, October 27, 2018
- Call to Order - President Ever Lee Hairston
- God Bless America - Rachel Elizabeth Grider
- Opening Welcome - Congrsswoman Maxine Waters
- Invocation - Wednesday Randolph
- Pledge of Allegiance - Matthew Git and NFB Pledge - Tim Elder
- Welcome From the City of Los Angeles - Lavada Theus
- Philosophy Skit - Jana Littrell and Ever Lee Hairston
- National Report - James Gashel
- Braille Enrichment Literacy and Learning (BELL) - Debbie Worstman
- Training Centers - Orientation Center for the Blind, Lighthouse for the Blind of San Francisco, Wayfinder
- What my NFB Chapter did for me
- Report from the National Association of Blind Students - Kathryn Webster
- Social Security Administration - James Gashel
Saturday Luncheon, October 27, 2018
Saturday afternoon, October 27, 2018
- The Lyft Experience with a Guide Dog - tina Thomas
- Presidential Report - Ever Lee Hairston
- What is Washington Seminar - Tiffany Manosh
- What are the NFB Training Centers?
- Why you Should be a student in CABS
- Why I am a Federationist - Juanita Hererra
Banquet 2018
- Opening and invocation
- Special Auctions
- Music
- Harp Music - Arietta Woods
- Head Table - Ever Lee Hairston
- Live the Life you Want - James Gashel
- Scholarships - Jana Littrell
- Pathfinder Scholarship Presentation - Arietta Woods
- Chapter Charters Presentation - Ever Lee Hairston
- Honoring our Centenarian - Sara Moseley
- Final auctions and closing
Sunday, October 28, 2018